Dr. Nico­le Ollin­ger von der Fach­hoch­schu­le Ober­ös­ter­reich und ihr Team haben in einem FFoQ­SI-Pro­jekt Dekor­zu­cker unter­sucht, der – statt wie üblich mit Palm­öl – mit Son­nen­blu­men­öl mit hohem Ölsäu­re­ge­halt her­ge­stellt wur­de. Zur Ana­ly­se und zum Ver­gleich von Qua­li­tät und Halt­bar­keit der Pro­duk­te wur­den die elek­tro­ni­sche Nase HERA­CLES von Alpha MOS sowie das Video­me­ter­Lab zur mul­tispek­tra­len Bild­ana­ly­se eingesetzt.

Das Paper ist über die­sen Link frei ver­füg­bar. Das Abs­tract dür­fen wir mit freund­li­cher Unter­stüt­zung von Dr. Ollin­ger bereits hier anbieten.

Abs­tract: High-Oleic Sun­flower Oil as a Poten­ti­al Sub­sti­tu­te for Palm Oil in Sugar Coatings—A Com­pa­ra­ti­ve Qua­li­ty Deter­mi­na­ti­on Using Mul­tis­pec­tral Ima­ging and an Elec­tro­nic Nose

Palm oil has a bad repu­ta­ti­on due to the explo­ita­ti­on of far­mers and the des­truc­tion of end­an­ge­red ani­mal habi­tats. The­r­e­fo­re, many con­su­mers wish to avo­id the use of palm oil. Deco­ra­ti­ve sugar con­ta­ins a small amount of palm oil to pre­vent the sugar from mel­ting on hot bak­ery pro­ducts. High-oleic sun­flower oil used as a sub­sti­tu­te for palm oil was ana­ly­zed in this stu­dy via mul­tis­pec­tral ima­ging and an elec­tro­nic nose, two methods sui­ta­ble for poten­ti­al lar­­ge-batch ana­ly­sis of sugar/​oil coa­tings. Mul­tis­pec­tral ima­ging is a non­des­truc­ti­ve method for com­pa­ring the wave­length reflec­tions of the sur­face of a sam­ple. Refe­rence samples enab­led the esti­ma­ti­on of the qua­li­ty of unknown samples, which were con­firm­ed via acid value mea­su­re­ments. Addi­tio­nal­ly, for qua­li­ty deter­mi­na­ti­on, vola­ti­le com­pounds from deco­ra­ti­ve sug­ars were mea­su­red with an elec­tro­nic nose. Both appli­ca­ti­ons pro­vi­de com­pa­ra­ble data that pro­vi­de infor­ma­ti­on about the qua­li­ty of deco­ra­ti­ve sugars.

Key­words: mul­tis­pec­tral ima­ging; elec­tro­nic nose; acid value; food qua­li­ty; palm oil; sun­flower oil

Aut­hors: Ollin­ger, N.; Blank-Lan­­de­s­ham­­mer, B.; Schütz-Kapl, L.; Rochard, A.; Pfei­fen­ber­ger, I.; Cars­ten­sen, J.M.; Mül­ler, M.; Weg­hu­ber, J. High-Oleic Sun­flower Oil as a Poten­ti­al Sub­sti­tu­te for Palm Oil in Sugar Coatings—A Com­pa­ra­ti­ve Qua­li­ty Deter­mi­na­ti­on Using Mul­tis­pec­tral Ima­ging and an Elec­tro­nic Nose. Foods 2024, 13, 1693. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods13111693

Fun­ding: The COMET-K1 com­pe­tence cen­ter FFoQ­SI is fun­ded by the Aus­tri­an fede­ral minis­tries BMK and BMDW and the Aus­tri­an pro­vin­ces Lower Aus­tria, Upper Aus­tria and Vien­na within the scope of COMET–Competence Cen­ters for Excel­lent Tech­no­lo­gies. The COMET pro­gram is mana­ged by the Aus­tri­an Rese­arch Pro­mo­ti­on Agen­cy (FFG).

Copy­right: © 2024 by the aut­hors. Licen­see MDPI, Basel, Switz­er­land. This artic­le is an open access artic­le dis­tri­bu­ted under the terms and con­di­ti­ons of the Crea­ti­ve Com­mons Attri­bu­ti­on (CC BY) licen­se (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).